Elaine Brousseau
Elaine Brousseau is a playwright living in Providence, RI. Among her plays are:
The Wizard of Arden
Tough Love
Sales Pitch
Catharsis Interruptus
Assisted Living
At the Creation
New West
Divide and Conquer
Control Freak
The Lady Romeo
Elaine's work has been read or produced at theaters and festivals
throughout the United States, including at the Boston Theater Marathon XXI;
Culture*Park Short Plays Marathons (MA); Firehouse Center for the Arts New
Works Festivals (MA); Providence Fringe Festivals (RI); Re-Imagine Theatre (RI);
Lemon Live Microplay Festival (on Zoom); St. Luke’s Little Theater (RI);
WomensWork Theatre Collaborative (RI); Orange Players (CT); Raze the Space
Theatre (CA); BoxFest Detroit (MI); Contemporary Theater Company (RI), and
2021 Femme Fatale Play Festival (WV).
Elaine’s play Arthur, Reading was given a developmental reading by the Wilbury
Theatre Group in Providence in December 2022 and won the Peter Honegger
Prize for best one-act at the 2024 New Works Festival at the Firehouse Center
for the Arts in Newburyport, MA; Elaine is currently seeking production
opportunities for this play.
Her publications include scholarly articles on theater, along with the plays
The Joys of Camping in Contemporary One-Minute Plays and
The Intervention in Mini-Plays Review.
Elaine is a member of the Dramatists Guild and a founding member of the Blue
Cow Group (a group of Providence-based playwrights). She taught writing for
many years at Providence College. She is currently working on a play about a
ninth-grade class staging Samuel Beckett’s Endgame in their school.
You can contact Elaine through her website: https://elainebrousseau.com/