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Roundtable News

Pundits Unite

Updated: May 24

What is a pundit, you ask. Well...a pun is a: [noun] it is the usually humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more of its meanings or the meaning of another word similar in sound; a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings: And finally, "The Pundits" were founded in 1884 as a society of "campus wits," at Yale University, and have a tradition of rebelling against Yale tradition, often through elaborate pranks.

While puns may make you groan and have even been called the “lowest and most groveling form of wit,” a good one is a thing of beauty that’s worth celebrating.

“We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Some people are better at them than others and some people never let them stop coming. Somewhere in between is my cup of tea. What about you? Do you have a favorite pun you'd like to share with us? Please post it in the comments below.

Another take on the concept of Pundits are what are more commonly called talking heads. We've all seen them on TV, and there's a long list to be found in a search of the word, but today's pundits leave a lot to be desired, as they tend to blah blah blah about topics that just make everyone unhappy and upset. They seem to think it is interesting. However, Pundits of the 2020's are nothing like the pundits of the 1920's. The ability to banter and glide around conversations with words that are loaded with imagery and full of fascination seems to be a lost art. Thought provoking ideas shared over the dinner table is what we aim to revive and bring back into fashion. If we are on a backward slide, surely, we should retrieve some of the lost treasures of wordplay that escape us due to the world becoming so fragmented by social media and every other hairbrained technical invention that has taken over the world. Hooray for pundits, pundits unite. Long live the Pundits and welcome back.

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